PTE is Pearson test of English. The following tests are available from Pearson.
PTE is a computer-based academic language test aimed at non-native persons who wanted to study in foreign countries. Tests include reading, writing, listening, and speaking. There is the multi-level test.
The PTE is designed by London University and the tests include two sections by written paper and an interview.
The academic question includes such as listening reading and speaking. The whole test prepares into single sessions and may take 3 hours to get results sitting in front of a secure test environment. The speaking part paper was done on the computer. Your voice will be recorded and sent to the marking.
Part 1:-Speaking & writing [77-93 minutes]
Part 2:- Reading [32-41 minutes]
Part 3:- Listening [45-57 minutes]
All items in PTE Academic are machine-scored using PTE academics automated scoring system. Scores for some item types are based on correctness alone, while others are based on correctness, formal aspects, and the quality of the response formal aspects refer to the form of the response. For example, whether it is over or under the word limit for a particular item type. The quality of the response is represented in the enabling skills. For example, in the item type re-tell lecture, the response is scored on skills such as oral fluency and pronunciation. There are two types of scoring; correct or incorrect and partial scoring.